Tributação, previdencia e assistencia sociais : impactos distributivos / Taxation and welfare and social assistance : distributive impacts




This study aims to assess the distributional impact of direct and indirect taxation and welfare and social assistance. To achieve its purpose it uses data from Consumer Expenditure Survey (POF) 2002-2003 of IBGE, looking up, based on administrative records, assess the degree of adherence of the search data and, mainly, to discriminate against those benefits under the scheme, that is, from the regime of General Welfare (RGPS) - or as is commonly said the INSS - or the schemes of Own Welfare (RPPSs) - related to the civil service. We applied in the evaluation of distributional impacts of different types of money transfer (or benefits) and taxes on income and household consumption indicators of the usual concentration of income, there are changes in these indicators of income to be passed before the granting of benefits or the impact of taxes for income resulting from such measures. The change in the indices of concentration results from two components: the first on the degree of progressivity and regressivity of the benefit or tribute, and the second, concerning the rearrangements that such interventions cause for ranking households by income. Discussed which is the rent that it should be an assessment parameter: whether before or after the, using the methodology based on income ex post, because what matters is the effect of lending or taxing one $ additional and not the effect of the first real transferred or collected. That s because the proposed amendment of policies only make sense under the existing reality. The main conclusions of the estimates of the distributional impact of taxation, social elfare and assistance were: a) there was no significant change in the concentration of personal income result of all the policies considered - retirements and pensions, programs to transfer income, aid, unemployment insurance - , scholarship, taxes on income, contributions, taxes on buildings and vehicles and taxes or contributions on consumption - b) low impact of distributive and welfare benefits, unemployment insurance, and other monetary transfers, compared to that found in developed countries, c) the low efficiency distribution is due, primarily, the high regressivity of retirement and pensions of RPPSs, which offset the impacts of retirements of distributive RGPS, programmes to transfer income and aid workers; d) the direct taxes and IR, in particular, have rates of progressive satisfactory in comparison with the core countries, however, taking little effectiveness distributive given its small stake in personal income and) the regressivity of IPTU (tax on urban property) and neutrality of IPVA (tax on vehicles), shows that the rigidity, Brazil, to tax more effectively the wealth - and why not, wealth; f) the indirect taxation is clearly regressive, a fact widely acknowledged, not discrepando Moreover, the international experience, but having its effect amplified by the role that taxes on consumption present throughout the national tax burden. Thus, it should focus efforts on expanding the distributive share of the benefits of progressive character (grants, aid and retirements of RGPS) in overall government transfers, increasing the weight of direct taxation in the collection and correct the profile of incidence of taxes on the patrimony


impostos welfare taxation previdencia social renda - distribuição income distribution

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