Tratados internacionais sobre direitos humanos: vícios na emenda constitucional 45/2004




This masters degree thesis, which is divided into three chapters, in addition to the introduction and conclusion, encompasses application of international Human Rights treaties in the domestic framework. This study made use of inductive investigation methods; monographic, technical and bibliographical procedures; review of the literature, jurisprudence and Internet data, in addition to graphic demonstration in order to determine expected results. The research objective was to approach a specific issue introduced by Constitutional Amendment No. 45, considering the efficacy of international treaties signed by the Brazilian State, especially those involving human rights, from the standpoint of their legal aspects, in view of the diverse doctrinal trends, but mainly through a critical analysis of practical application. The first problem considered is coherent with the relationship between Public International Law and Brazilian Legislation, which is reflected in the hierarchy with which the former is graced in domestic legal sentencing and its consequences in the international arena. Thereafter, the implications of the current norms under item 3 of article 5 of the CF/88 are examined, specifically with regard to their constitutionality, considering that CF/88 fails to establish hierarchy for human rights treaties, in domestic court sentencing, leaving room for interpretations through doctrine and jurisprudence. The question is also raised as to whether or not item 3 of article 5, inserted by Constitutional Amendment no. 45/2004, restricts fundamental rights guaranteed in international treaties, always emphasizing the idea of supremacy of human rights, with the basic assumption of consecration of democracy, also formed by integrative law, the origin of which lies in international treaties signed between States. Furthermore, this study approaches the issue of delay in processing of constitutional amendments as a form of limiting fundamental rights


tratados direito constitucional direitos humanos

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