Trabalho e educaÃÃo: uma crÃtica ao Projeto de EducaÃÃo para Todos / Work and education: a critical one to the Project of Education for All


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The research seeks to develop a critical analysis of the learning category in the context of the Project of Education for All (EPT), detailed on the Plan of Action to Satisfy the Basic Needs of Learning (NEBAS), emphasizing, by these terms, its ideological character and its link with the capitalâs management plan. Based on the Marxian perspective, we aim to examine the main goals put forward by the Program of Education for All, established at the World Conference of Education for All, carried out in Jomtien, in 1990, and reiterated in the Dakar Forum of Action, in the year 2000. This way, we will also denounce the large universal articulation of the EPT conception in the poor countries, through the annual utilization of the Reports of Monitoring of Education for All (EPT), with emphasis in the 2003 through 2008 documents. Resulting from a study of a theoretical-bibliographical nature, our analysis is centered upon the ontohistorical conception of labor as the fundamental moment in the process of social reproduction, sharing with Marxist authors the idea that education as a social complex becomes itself, a commodity, in the limits of capitalâs sociability. Presuming that learning is appointed by capital as an important tool to guarantee economical and social sustainability, we reassert that the EPT Program, under the World Bank organization, imposes a wide restructuring program of the national teaching systems, with priority on the universalization of basic education. We state that the idea of an education for all has its genesis in the rise of the bourgeoisie to power, determining new social relations and a new way of production: the capitalistic system. In this new order, the workerâs formation is based upon those practical learnings which are useful to the world of production. Under the capital system, the education complex finds itself essentially based on the sustainability and reproduction of the logic of accumulation. In the Brazilian particularity, we notice a group of educational reforms, based on a social pact to drive the economic development and the poverty reduction. We conclude that the Project of Education for All, focused on the learnings towards the basic education, becomes itself only an educational and ideological tool, for it promotes minimal knowledge standards, limiting the basic schooling as a sufficient pattern for the poor countries to enter the sphere of the so called sustainable and global economy of the XXIth Century.


educacao educaÃÃo para todos aprendizagem banco mundial education for all learning world bank polÃticas pÃblicas em educaÃÃo educaÃÃo para todos polÃtica mundial da educaÃÃo trabalho e educaÃÃo fundamentos da educaÃÃo crÃtica da educaÃÃo realidade da educaÃÃo crise da educaÃÃo

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