The Prosecuting Attorneys public service as an instrument of access to social justice / O atendimento ao público pelo promotor de justiça como instrumento de acesso à justiça social




The Prosecuting Attorneys public service activity is presented as an instrument to obtain access to social justice through the Prosecuting Counsel. By means of a constitutional definition of social justice and a study about the human right to access to justice, this academic paper aims at presenting the Prosecutors out-of-court activity as one of the alternative means of direct access to justice value, independently of the Judiciary. Following a brief historical account of the Prosecuting Counsel, the dissertation establishes the Prosecuting Attorneys public service in the duty of the peoples ombudsman, due to art. 129-II of the Federal Constitution. The work carries out a detailed study about the out-of-court instruments at disposal of the Prosecuting Attorney to obtain direct access to justice. The dissertation presents directives (lawful foreknowledge, limits and object) about the public service at the Prosecuting Counsel, trying to address such activity to the unavailable individual and social interests which are legitimate to the Prosecuting Counsel, according to art. 127, caput, of the Federal Constitution. A social-legal research on the service to the population, in the scope of Pernambucos Prosecuting Counsel, with the purpose of presenting a real and practical view of the subject in study, is also presented.


ministério público - ombudsman (ouvidor e defensor) do povo brasil - ministério público - resolução alternativa de conflitos public service justiça - interpretação negociação - mediação - conciliação - arbitragem promotores públicos - brasil pernambuco - ministério público - atendimento ao público - pesquisa acesso à justiça social - direito fundamental - brasil - constituição federal de 1988 poder judiciário - dificuldades - acesso à justiça prosecuting counsel justiça social - brasil access to justice atendimento ao público - ministério público de portugal, espanha e itália - ministério público brasileiro - direito comparado direito ministério público - atendimento à população - acesso à justiça - forma direta

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