The naturalness in translation and fluency of a text / A naturalidade na tradução: quem garante?




This study was based on data collected from a parallel corpus composed of original texts in English of articles from National Geographic magazine, and their respective translations in Portuguese as published in National Geographic Brazil and the texts translated before their revision for publication. The aim was to compare the three texts in order to identify, in translation, elements that enable the production of a text which sounds natural and fluent, reflecting the current use by the speakers. Corpus Linguistics was chosen as an approach for the research since it allows a descriptive rather than a prescriptive study of the language and is typically concerned not only with what words, structures or uses are possible in a language, but also with what is probable, likely to occur, the difference between what the speakers can say and what they actually say. This comparison brought to light linguistic features which might affect naturalness and fluency of a text, as the typical phraseology in the target-language, its natural collocations and its own fixed expressions, which reflect a preferred way of a community of saying things. These aspects are closely related to conventionality, which encompasses that which is attested by the use, and represent precisely where the difficulties lie for the "innocent translator", who might not notice that among a range of possible forms there is one which is more likely to occur. Among the elements found, one was particularly investigated, namely, the translation of adverbs ending in *ly in English , not always translated by adverbs ending in *mente in Portuguese, with a view to understand this option within the idea of conventionality. These options are not frequently displayed in dictionaries, which makes corpus-based research , either using parallel corpora or monolingual corpora, an invaluable resource to translators, in eliciting strategies employed by other professional translators and in bringing awareness to an attested use in language.


adverbs; conventionality; corpus-based research; innocent translator; naturalness advérbios; convencionalidade; naturalidade; pesquisa baseada em corpus; tradutor ingênuo

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