The digital inclusion program of the brazilian government: analysis under a perspective intersection between the information science and the human computer interaction. / O programa de inclusão digital do governo brasileiro: análise sob a perspectiva da interseção entre ciência da informação e interação humano computador.




This study aims at the analysis of the human-computer interaction within the scope of digital inclusion, through the perspective of Information Science by performing a reflection on the Brazilian Government Program for Digital Inclusion. The human-computer interaction is discussed as a component of the process of dissemination and recovery of information through computers, as well as whether digital inclusion is agreeable to endusers, and if proximity of the areas of Computing and Information Science is provided. Information Science and humancomputer interaction are presented through their stories, objectives, evolution and justification. Several variables implied therein are discussed such as the computer, software, memory, metaphors, mental model and digital inclusion. Research, conducted through data search and a questionnaire, aimed at assessing results of the Brazilian Government Program of Digital Inclusion in Elementary Schools.


interação humano- computador disseminação da informação recovery of information open/free software sociedade da informação recuperação de informação dissemination of information inclusão digital software livre human-computer interaction ciencia da informacao digital inclusion information society

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