The different levels of training for the instruction of Mathematics: concepts and practices of teachers who work in the early years of elementary school / Os diferentes níveis de formação para o ensino de matemática: concepções e práticas de docentes que atuam nos anos iniciais do ensino fundamental




This paper is linked to the Research Line of Pedagogic Practices and their Relation with the Teaching Body Formation aims to investigate how teachers with different graduations put in practice teaching procedures of mathematical subjects in class of Elementary School Teaching. This way, we mentioned and analyzed different initial formation levels (medium and superior) of teachers from the beginning classes, aims to describe the reflections about some their conceptions and practices of Mathematics teaching. We opted for a research of three teachers from the beginnings classes, the first graduated in medium level (Teachership), the second graduated in Pedagogy with major in Mathematics. The paper was developed in three levels: at the first level it was given a questionnaire, which objective was to know the characteristics of the teaching bodies, their professional and personal identification; at the second level linked to the questionnaire application, some direct observation in order to describe how teachers with different graduations developed the mathematical subjects in class. With the observations register in the diary field, some categories were made in order to describe the work and the teaching practice produced by the teacher; at the third level some semi- structured interviews were made, applied with recurring form aiming to comprehend the attitudes and procedures in class, from the justifications given by the teachers for their practices. In the study it was clear that at the three formation levels by different reasons, there was a lack at the Mathematics teacher formation. The courses in Medium Level and Pedagogy gave more emphasis to pedagogic and methodological questions separated from the subject dominion. The Mathematics Major, even favour the mathematical knowledge, it is made separated from the didatics, in particular to the teaching of that subject at the beginning levels. This fact was detected at the teachers related to the Mathematics formation received by them, revealing a fragmented formation that didnt permit the connection between theory and practice. According to the teachers the initial formation contributed a little in relation to the practice for teaching Mathematics claiming that the teaching body learning was gotten by different forms: at the scholar quotidian changing experiences with some friends and at the continuous formation. It was clear, however, that the objective of the beginning formation even though is not recognized by the teachers, it was relative, because it contributed for the formation of general schemes for the teaching body work. The research shows the necessity of rethought the beginning courses contemplating other dimensions in its articulated program based on: knowledge of the mathematic subject, didatic knowledge of the subject of this matter and its curriculum.


educacao mathematics at the initial grades formação inicial de professores initial formation for teachers matemática nas séries iniciais saberes da docência.

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