The contribution of the State and Federal Committees to the management of the river basins of the Piracicaba, Capivari e Jundiaí rivers, in São Paulo. Relevant actions, perspectives and challenges (1993-2006). / A contribuição dos Comitês de Bacia Estadual e Federal à gestão das bacias hidrográficas dos rios Piracicaba , Capivari e Jundiai, em São Paulo: ações mais relavantes, perspectivas e desafios (1993-2006)




The key concepts for the definition of management: the concept of sustainable development and integrated management of water resources. The integrated management of water resources according to the concept of river basins. The river basin as a management, planning and analysis unit. The federal and the State politics on water resources implemented in the river basins of Piracicaba, Capivari and Jundiai (PCJ) Rivers in São Paulo between 1993 and 2006. The Consortium of PCJ rivers. The State river basin Committee of the PCJ Rivers in São Paulo. The Federal river basin Committee of the Piracicaba river. The Agency of basin of the PCJ Rivers. The PCJ river basins Committees. The charge for water. The PCJ river basin description. The main plans and reports elaborated: The National Plan of River Resources (PNRH); The State Plan of River Resources of São Paulo (PERH); The Integrated Plan of the Use of River Resources in the Alto Tietê, Piracicaba and Baixada Santista river basins (1993-1997) ? HIDROPLAN; The Zero Report of the UGRHI 05 (CETEC); The PCJ River Basin Plan (COPLAENGE); The ONE Report of PCJ River Basin (IRRIGART); The Plan of the PCJ River Basin (SHS CONSULTORIA). Relevant actions led by the PCJ Committees, the actions approved by the Committees and included in the Acts of the Committees between 1993 and 2006, The classification of the deliberations and projects approved in the acts and the projects sent to the FEHIDRO (Fundo Estadual de Recursos Hídricos) by the Committees. Final statements: The relevant actions of the PCJ Committees are analyzed in the light of the integrated management of river basins. Perspectives and challenges of these committees are shown.


piracicaba river planejamento regional regionalização bacia hidrográfica river basin river resources sustainable development process of urbanization regionalization jundiaí river capivari river urban planning desenvolvimento sustentável rios piracicaba regional planning processo de urbanização rio capivari rio jundiaí planejamento urbano recursos hídricos

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