The contribution of economic ecological zoning on the environment impact assessment: basis and conceptual proposals. / A contribuição do zoneamento ecológico econômico na avaliação de impacto ambiental : bases e propostas conceituais




The environment impact statement (EIS), facing the concept environment impact assessment (EIA), settles, in its objectives, the need to demonstrate not only the environment viability of projects, but also of policies, plans and programs (PPP). Currently considered as essential environment instrument to any decision making process, conceptually EIA marks presence for necessities and different answers for PPP. In Brazil, the practice associated only to projects and out of the decisions that ponder the localization alternatives, has demonstrated distortions in the use of the EIS instrument in relation of its answers and also to its credibility. This practice will be reflected on the establishment of distinct responsibilities considering the generation and availability of information, in the agreement of the EIS concept, and also in the universe of requirements to be met. In relation to the joint action with other instruments of the PNMA, it gives to the economic ecological zoning (ZEE) an important role, which is, being the environmental articulator of different scales of the EIA and generator of environmental diagnosis with scenes and possibilities of prognostic. Conceptually the ZEE indicates, environmentally and previously way, all environmental factors facing localization alternatives, when contemplating the carrying capacity in relation to a determined activity, besides being more adjusted to delimit the area of influence and/or the conflicts. Therefore, the establishment of clearer universes for each scale of approaching the instrument EIA and the possibility of joint action with the ZEE will liberate the EIS from giving answers and commitments of related implications to public policies and subsidizing the enterprises. The present work evaluates the EIA instrument and the possibility and advantage of the implementation of the ZEE to enlarge the range and to improve the EIS efficiency, and to configure it as an additional contribution instrument to environmental sustainability


estudo de impacto ambiental zoneamento ambiental economic ecological zoning avaliação ambiental estratégica environment impact statement avaliação de impacto ambiental sustentabilidade ambiental environment impact assessment zoneamento ecológico econômico environmental zoning environmental sustainability strategic environment assessment

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