Tecnologia no ensino de astronomia na educação básica: análise do uso de recursos computacionais na ação docente


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




This work focuses on factors that influence the use of computer as a pedagogic resource by a group of elementary education teachers working with astronomy-related classroom activities where they teach as part of a continuing education course. Carried out in 2009, such a course aimed at discussing some astronomys schooling contents present in elementary level curricular guidelines and their teaching, above all aspects that interface with technologic resources. Doing so has required outlining partaking teachers social and professional profile, especially their work conditions and its relation with astronomy teaching and with computer as a pedagogic resource. Data to outline such a profile came from semi-structured questionnaires, which provided information to base an analysis of the planning and implementation of astronomy pedagogic activities as well. Teachers were free to choose the way they would plan their activities, themes, and resources. In accordance with qualitative research approach, five inter-related aspects influent on the use computer as a resource to teach astronomy in elementary level were pointed out and described. They include infrastructure, school organization, teachers professional training (in astronomy specific content and in the pedagogical use of computer to teach), teaching work conditions, and teachers and students interest and willingness to deal with astronomy pedagogically and using computer as a resource. Teachers presentation of their nine planned activities one being not performed related to astronomy showed that six of them used computer as a pedagogic resource. Four activities took place in municipal schools and two in state schools. The inquiry revealed distinct dealings among the teachers when it comes to computer resources in school. Although there is a proposal of using such resources didactically in municipal schools of Uberlandia, state of Minas Gerais, it lacks some adjustments. Anyway, their teachers pedagogical context seems more favorable to the inclusion of computers when compared to the situation of those who teach in state schools, where it seems to us emphasis is on the use of computers as instruction tools but neither pedagogically nor didactically. Even facing limitations and difficulties, partaking teachers working with astronomy in association with computer resources developed activities that raised students interest and willingness to take part in them. They recognized the importance of bringing computers to the pedagogic work by proposing continuity and changes in the way they teach astronomy. That said, between the many problems to make those pedagogic activities work well with the use of computers and the possibilities they raised, lies the need of improving teachers life, education, and work so that they can improve their work with computer resources.


ensino de astronomia recursos computacionais formação continuada educação básica educacao ensino auxiliado por computador tecnologia educacional astronomia estudo e ensino professores formação ensino fundamental astronomy teaching computer resources continuing education elementary education

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