Superestrutura e operadores argumentativos como recursos retóricos em petições iniciais




This dissertation proposes linguistics analysis of the legal text Initial Petition, according to argumentative principles of semantics, aiming show the necessity of the linguistics approach for better interpretation and production of this kind of text. It focus on considerations about the Textual Linguistics, Discourse Genres, Legal Discourse, Rhetoric, Macrostrategics, Sketchy Strategies, Argumentative Operators and draw a parallel between the organizational composition of the Initial Petition and the statement of the discursive organization of the Sermon, quoted by Priest Antonio Vieira in the part VI of the his masterpiece Sermão da Sexagésima. The corpus this dissertation presents series of Initials Petitions that were analyzed in two aspects: (1) the organization of schematic structure the text, through the superstructure; (2) the argumentative organization, which takes place within the discourse, made by the argumentative operators. The former emphasizes the complicity relationship between the meaningful parts of the text, showing how this relationship leads the enunciatee to way pre-set by the enunciator; the latter emphasizes the way how the argumentative operators act, as rhetoric resource in the construction of the persuasive discourse; how often they appear, in this specific type of legal text and whether indicate different roles from those expressed by the specialized literature. Finally is verified, in the dissertation, the importance of knowledge linguistics resources in the production and interpretation of argumentative texts as the Initial Petition, emphasizing the contribution this kinds of study those who seek to improve this kind of discourse.


initial petition linguistics petição inicial rhetorical appeal operadores argumentativos legal discourse superestrutura semântica argumentativa recurso retórico discurso jurídico lingüística superstructure argumentative semantics letras argumentative operators

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