Study of the mechanical behaviour of mouth protectors prepared with ethylene and vinyl acetate copolymer: experimental model of dental arches produced with epoxy / "Estudo do comportamento mecânico de protetores bucais confeccionados em copolímero de etileno e acetato de vinila: modelo experimental de arcos dentais obtidos em epóxi"




An experimental model of dental arch, moulded in epoxy, was used to study the mechanic behaviour of a copolymer of ethylene and vinyl acetate (EVA), in the form of a flat plaque or mouth protector in function of three variables: thickness, temperature and the absence or presence of artificial saliva. The evaluation of the mechanical behaviour of EVA, as a plaque or as a mouth protector, was made with the use of two factorial statistical projection, 3x2x2 and 23, respectively, in a universal test machine. The mechanic properties of EVA, at compressive effort, evaluated in two configurations (support + arch + plaque and support + arch + mouth protector) were: maximum absorbed energy (, maximum strain (, maximum displacement (mm) and maximum force (N). The effect of the variables (thickness, temperature and absence or presence of artficial saliva) were shaped, mathematically, by using the mechanical properties of EVA to compressive effort as a reply parameter. The orthogonal polynomials were adjusted in function of the variables and their significant interactions, fixing the level of significancy as 0,05 (5%) or less. A mechanism of occlusion of the experimental model, to explain the mechanic answer of EVA in the system support + arch + plaque and support + arch + protector, consisted of three connected events: 1) longitudinal compressive deformation; 2) sliding between the arches and 3) mechanic lockage on maximum occlusion. The variables, thickness of the plaque or mouth protector, temperature (local or mouth) e saliva (presence or absence), as well as some significant interactions between them, modified the mechanic properties of EVA, in the sense of increasing or reducing the resistence of this material to the compressive effort, depending on the way these variables were combined. The mechanic answer of EVA in the system support + arch + mouth protector differed from the system support + arch + plaque, as the intervals of average thickness of the mouth protectors and of the plaque were significantly distinct. The mechanism of occlusion of the experimental model proposed justifies the differences of mechanical behaviour observed in both configurations studied. In thinner plaques or mouth protectors, approximately of 2 mm, the sliding connected to the mechanic lockage were two determinant events. For thicker plaques, approximately of 4 mm, the mechanical behaviour can be explained by three linked events: longitudinal compressive deformation, sliding between the arches and mechanic locakge, on the maximum occlusion.


mouth maxilo facial prosthesis mouth protectors flat plate prótese buco maxilo facial protetores bucais placa plana experimental model modelo experimental

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