Sob as vestes de Sertão Veredas, o Gerais : Mexer com criação no Sertão do IBAMA / Under the attire of Sertão Veredas, the Gerais : Mexer com criação in the Sertão do IBAMA




The fulcrum of this thesis is to uncover the changes in the territory that formerly composed formely the Gerais and which became the "Sertão do IBAMA", which is how I call the new territoriality. To this end, I present the ethnography of Samuel Borges dos Santos, a cowherd known as Samu. As the starting point of this ethnographic journey I seek to answer the following question: How to describe the dynamics in the relationship between Samu and the Park managers and their distinct ways of using the land, and how is this relationship experienced by the cowherd? Samu is the protagonist of this ethnography, since he is emblematic of the changes that affected the country: first, as a sharecropper in a cattle farm, then as a landowner, and currently as a Park resident. Against this background, Borges narrative has shown several intertwoven temporalities. The intersection of these temporalities has unveiled a way of life ruled by a peasant ethics as as well as the economic and social values attached to "dealing with cattle" (mexer com criação). These values can be seen in the relationship between the cowherd and the cattle. The old days, in his intertwining with the new times, have also brought to light the transfer of the relationship model that ruled Samu s relationship with his old bosses into his new relationship towards IBAMA. We see this transfer as a form of resistance through which Samu tries to stay in the backlands despite the tight Park clothes that now constrain the Gerais


pecuaria - brasil territorialidade humana tempo camponeses - brasil parque nacional grande sertão veredas (mg e ba) animal culture human territoriality time peasantry

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