Só, mas bem acompanhado: atuação solo e animação de bonecos à vista do público / Alone, but in good company: soloist performance and puppet manipulation visible to the audience


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




This thesis deals with puppet manipulation visible to the audience, focusing on soloist performance. The field of study is defined by the first four editions of the International Puppet Festival, in Florianópolis FITAFloripa, during the years 2007 untill 2010. First of all there are reflexions about different kinds of didacticism in Puppetry, the different age groups desired according to the play, the transformations in the choice and using of modalities of puppetry, and the presence of the direction in brazilian puppet plays. Still having as a reference the quantitative database got from the analysis of the 72 plays that composed the FITAFloripa programme during the period, the research go into the characteristics of the soloist performer activity and the puppet manipulation visible to the audience in Brazil. In this carefully examination it is discussed the relations between the soloist performance and the puppetry and its mains characteristics, followed by a historical research about the first brazilians experiences in the puppet manipulation visible to the audience, with its transformations and distinct ways of performance find in current plays. In the last part of this thesis the plays O Incrível Ladrão de Calcinhas and O Princípio do Espanto are analysed, in order to deepen the study about soloist performance and puppet manipulation visible to the audience. Both plays selected from the FITAFloripa programme present different kind of performance with differences that allows a best ponderation about the subjects. The items developed about the two plays are the soloist performer activity, the puppet manipulation visible to the audience, the direction and the dramaturgy


animação à vista do público atuação solo teatro de animação bonecos fitafloripa teatro de fantoches teatro puppetry soloist performance puppet manipulation visible to the audience puppets fitafloripa

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