Síntese e caracterização de nanopartículas Fe3O4@Au e desenvolvimento de sensores para aplicações em nanomedicina / Synthesis and characterization of Fe3O4@Au nanoparticles and development of sensors for application in nanomedicine


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




Along with the development of nanomaterials came the knowledge and design of their unique eletronic, optical and catalitycal properties which may be used for a variety of nanotecnological applications. A special class of nanomaterials with interesting characteristics is represented by the CoreαShell nanoparticles, which combine the physicochemical properties of two differerent nanomaterials (including oxides, metals, semiconductors or polymers). This combination provides greater efficiency in applications such as nanoelectronics, sensing, biosensing and biomedical areas. This study reports the synthesis of Fe₃O₄ Np, which in the presence of the polyamido amine generation 4.0 (Pamam G4), is covered with Au Np forming the Fe₃O₄αAu Nps. The nanomaterials had been characterized using spectroscopic, microscopic and electrochemical techniques. The results revealed the formation of Au Nps in the cavities of PAMAM G4 and showed that the electrostatic interactions between the PAMAM functional groups and the OH ⁻ and H ⁺ groups on the surface of the magnetic nanoparticles lead to a strong stability in the configuration of Fe₃O₄αAu Nps. The optical properties of the Au Np (namely the Plasmon resonance band at 542 nm) as well as the superparamagnetic properties of the Fe₃O₄ Np were present in the core-shell nanostrutures. Due to their electrocatalytical properties, the core-shell nanoparticles were employed as active elements for dopamine (DA) detection. The fabrication of the modified electrodes for DA detection consisted in the deposition by LbL technique of alternating layers of nanoparticles and poly(vinyl sulfonic acid) (PVS) on the ITO eletrode, in three distinct architectures: ITO - (Fe₃O₄αAu Fe₃O₄ PV S), ITO - (Fe₃O₄ ⁄ PV S) and ITO - (Au ⁄ PV S). We found a good selectivity and rapid response toward the detection of DA, being the sensor ITO - (Fe₃O₄αAu ⁄ PV S) the most efficient. The effect of Fe₃O₄αAu Nps showed a higher cytotoxicity in cancer cells compared to healthy cells, because cancer cells are more sensitive to oxidative stress produced by the nanoparticles.


fe3o4@au nanoparticles nanopartículas fe3o4@au sensor de dopamina sensor dopamine toxicidade das nps fe3o4@au toxicity of fe3o4@au nps

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