Significados de fotossíntese elaborados por alunos do ensino fundamental a partir de atividades investigativas mediadas por multimodos de representação


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




This thesis shows a piece of descriptive research carried out with 5th grade Elementary School Students, currently at 6th grade. We know, as a Science and Biology teacher, the difficulties the students have to understand some abstract concepts related to this knowledge area. Among these concepts, the photosynthesis and the vegetal breathing grabbed our attention by the fact of being a school content taught since the initial grades, as it is set in the official teaching curricular documents and that also follows during the next grades. Despite the fact of being taught contents during many school years, the students, when arriving at High School show some incomprehension that harm the understanding of other contents related to photosynthesis, as for example, the food chain, and also the energy flow in the ecosystem which are considered basic knowledge for the comprehension of the established relations between the biotic and non biotic beings in the life of the planet maintenance. So, knowing which meanings the students develop for these contents for the learning that is part of the subject became a considerable question of interest for an investigation and motivated us to develop this research. We searched the basis for the understanding of these questions in theories from the Cognitive Psychology, mainly followed by Ausubel’s Meaningful Learning because this author works with deep questions which relate the relationship between teaching situations and classroom learning when the students are elaborating the meaning of the concepts. Several authors who research the previous conceptions of students about the photosynthesis emphasize that these content incomprehension is, among many factors, to the expositive methodology that does not allow the student’s reflexion. In this paper, we developed investigative activities using representational multi-modals, and so, our goal was to investigate the meanings the students build while they perform the investigative activities, besides checking the connections the students do between the representational ways. We know that there is a consensus in the literature about the investigative activities approach. Here, we used the NRC (apud BYBEE, 2006) and the multi-modals to improve the students’ connection of the evidences of the scientific knowledge. Through the analysis of the collected data, it was possible to verify that many of the meanings the students elaborated during the activities came from the mistaken interpretation of different representational modals used and also the incompatible meanings of the scientific knowledge that the students elaborates occur due to the incomprehension of the concepts attributed to photosynthesis and the vegetable breathing.


ciência - estudo e ensino fotossíntese - formação de conceitos ciência - métodos de ensino psicologia da aprendizagem abordagem interdisciplinar do conhecimento science study and teaching photosynthesis formation of concepts science teaching methods psychology of learning interdisciplinary approach to knowledge

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