Serologia aplicada ao estudo de microorganismos de placa dentaria e seu significado em relação a carie




In an attempt to apply serological techniques to the classification of oral microrganisms an antisera ob tained from S. sanguis were utilized in order to classify serologicaly five streptococcus strains from the oral cavi ty. The antisera raised against S. sanguis, had differents properties whem tested against antigens of S. sanguis, S. mitis, S. salivarius, S. mutans and S. faecalis. In the tests we used bacterial antigens extracted in water, saline, acetic acid. The techniques of Rantz E Randall [1955] and Lancefield (1933) also have been used. The Lancefield techniques and extracts in acetic acid were less adequate in comparison to the others for serological classification. The most useful technique to prepare the antigens was that described by Rantz E Randall. The antisera prepared from S. sanguis showed positive serological reactions with the homo logous antigen and cross reacted with all heterologous species tested, but S. mutans. As the antisera were prepared by different methods it was observed that just one reacted only with the homologous S. sanguis antigen and it was negative against all heterologous antigens used. These results demonstrated serological affinities among S. fecalis, S. mitis, S. salivarius and S. Saguis but not with S. mutans. This observations seemed to be very significat in the classification of oral streptococcus


caries dentarias boca - microbiologia placas dentarias sorologia

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