Seletividade de inseticidas reguladores de crescimento e de neonicotinÃides a Trichogramma pretiosum Riley, 1879 (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae) / Selectivity of insecticides growth regulators and neonicotinoids insecticides to Trichogramma pretiosum Riley, 1879 (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae)




The effects of acetamiprid (0.05 g a.i./L), lufenuron (0.04 g a.i./L), imidacloprid (0.14 g a.i./L), novaluron (0.02 g a.i./L), triflumuron (0.14 g a.i./L) and pyriproxifen (0.1 g a.i./L) on the immature and adult stages of Trichogramma pretiosum Riley were evaluated. The work was divided in two bioassays. In the first one, eggs of Anagasta kuehniella (Zeller) were exposed to parasitization by T. pretiosum and subsequently treated by dipping in the insecticides, containing the parasitoids in the period of egg-larvae, or in the pre-pupae or pupae phases. The effects of the insecticides on the emergence, parasitism capacity and sex ratio of individuals of the F1 and F2 generations were evaluated. In the second bioassay, eggs of A. kuehniella were treated by dipping in the insecticides and exposed to the parasitism, immediately, 24 and 48h after the treatment. Direct effect of these products on the longevity and parasitism capacity of maternal generation, and its subletais effects on the emergence, sex ratio, longevity and parasitism capacity of parasitoids of the F1 and F2 generations were evaluated. The bioassays were carried out under controlled conditions at 24Â2oC, RH of 70Â10% and 12 hours of photophase. In the test with immatures, pyriproxifen applied on T. pretiosum in the egg-larvae period is slightly harmful (class 2) to the parasitization capacity of individuals from the F1 generation and to the emergence rate of specimens F1 and F2. Acetamiprid applied on T. pretiosum in the egg-larvae period is slightly harmful to the parasitization capacity of individuals of the F1 generation. Acetamiprid applied on T. pretiosum in the pupae phase is slightly harmful to the parasitization capacity of individuals from the F2 generation. Imidacloprid applied on T. pretiosum in the egg-larvae period is slightly harmful to the parasitization capacity of individuals of the F1 generation. Lufenuron applied on T. pretiosum in the pupae phase is slightly harmful to the emergence success of individuals from the F2 generation. The insecticides triflumuron and novaluron applied on T. pretiosum in the immatures stages are harmless (class 1) to individuals of the F1 and F2 generations. In the test with adults, pyriproxifen is slightly harmful (class 2) to the parasitism capacity of T. pretiosum from the maternal and F1 generations. Novaluron is slightly harmful to the emergence success of specimens from F1 generation. Acetamiprid, imidacloprid , lufenuron and triflumuron are harmless to T. pretiosum.


entomologia agricola

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