Selection of forest fragments to seed harvest in Itapemirim river watershed and around the Caparaó National Park / Seleção de fragmentos florestais para a colheita de sementes na bacia hidrográfica do rio Itapemirim e entorno do Parque Nacional do Caparaó


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




Forest fragments are the natural vegetation interrupted by anthropogenic or natural barriers, able to reduce significantly the flow of animals, pollen or seeds. The edge, the type of neighborhood, the degree of isolation and the effective size of forest fragments are the main factors that should be considered to measure changes in biological processes of a particular ecosystem. The most recent data indicate that there are only about 11% of the original vegetation of the Atlantic Forest distributed in forest fragments of small size, biologically impoverished and whose restoration could take hundreds of years. In this scenario, the restoration of deforested areas becomes unduly critical and urgent, and seed production necessary to meet forest projects. This study aimed to list the main fragments, stratified sites in soil and climate, with the highest degree of conservation and more suitable for seed collection, through the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP), using as variables the metric of landscape ecology. In total, 1620 were identified forest patches with an area exceeding 10 ha, which together sum area of 1017.3 km and represents 13.6% of the original forest cover. The division resulted in four sites soil and climate where the average annual temperature varies from 19.7 to 24.8 C. The hierarchical analysis showed 61 fragments as high potential, whose average size was 245.4 ha. The methodology used in this study has the potential to be used to support decision-making when selecting pieces for the collection of seeds, since selects fragments in different environments and their spatial attributes suggest a greater degree of conservation


ecologia da paisagem colheita de sementes florestais método analítico hierárquico forest fragmentation landscape ecology forest seed harvesting analytic hierarchy process conservacao da natureza fragmentação florestal

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