Saude mental e religião em mulheres encarceradas : um estudo epidemiologico e de Psiquiatria cultural / Mental health and religion for incarcerated women : a epidemiological study and cultural psychiatry




Nowadays religion is an important issue for the modern society, a complex and fundamental socio-cultural phenomenon. There is evidence that religious commitment tends to correlete positively with the mental health. The religion seems to have an important role or the mental health of jailed women. It provides psychological and emotional support, bringing them comfort, meaning and hope. This study intents to verify the mental health profile and the relation between religion and mental health, to analyse how mental health and the religion influence the life of jailed women as well, and to provide more psychological and emotional support. It describes too, the quotidian of female detainees, their profiles and the prisional enviroment where they are living and investigates some aspects of their subjective experience. A self-filling questionaire was used wich includes social, demographic, religious (present and before jailing), mental health and crime profile data. Concerning the psychopathologic matters General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-12) was used. 358 women were interviewed from "Penitenciária Feminina da Capital" (São Paulo, SP - Brazil ) from March, 2003 to December, 2004. Descriptive and bivaried statistcs analysis was accomplished comparing all the variables with GHQ-12. Multivaried regression logistic analysis was used to get the dichotomic answers to the variables that would possibly interact with mental health. A bigger persona religiosity was associated to better mental health. Associations between crime type and mental health were not found


psiquiatria cultural cultural psychiatry mulheres women prisão prison prisoners saude mental prisioneiros mental health psiquiatria e religião psychiatry and religion conversão ao cristianismo christianism conversion

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