Resposta terapÃutica à drotrecogina alfa (ativada) em pacientes com sepse grave nas Unidades de Terapia Intensiva da regiÃometropolitana do Recife




Epidemiologic studies show an increase in the prevalence of sepsis in the last decade. In recent years, ours knowledge about the physiopathology of sepsis increase too. However, there is a difficult in transform this knowledge in a therapy that reduces the high mortality. The PROWESS study, published in 2001, evaluated the drotrecogin alfa (activated) in severe sepsis. In his results there was a reduction in the absolute risk of death of 6, 1% (p=0,005). The new drug was approved to use, but with controversies. This study wanted information about the clinical practice of the use of drotrecogin alfa (activated). The study was descriptive, retrospective, series of case. One hundred patients had been evaluated, during the period from January 2003 to October 2006 in the city of Recife (Brazil). Ninety eight percent of the patients were in septic shock and they had a high mortality (57%). More than a half of the patients were surgical (52%), and the abdominal focus was the most frequent (48%). The use of drotrecogin alfa (activated), in this sample, doesnât change the high index of mortality. Twenty percent of the patients initiated the drug with more then 48h of the first organic failure. Nine percent of the patients had severe bleeding and only 62% completed the 96h of drug infusion. There was no evidence of difference between the patients who died or not. There was no evidence about the effectiveness of the drotrecogin alfa (activated).


septic shock drotrecogina alfa (ativada) drotrecogin alfa (activated) sepse grave choque sÃptico severe sepsis medicina

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