Representações do professor de língua inglesa no ensino inclusivo dos alunos surdos


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




This study investigates the representations that the English teachers from Minas Gerais state public schools have about deaf students educational inclusion into regular schools. The research objective is the teacher-subjects discourse, considering that such a subject is constituted in/by language. The subject is always incomplete, and socially and historically built; it is a subject of the unconscious. The present study focuses on teachers representations about their teaching practice, about the English language, about deaf and hearing students, about the Brazilian sign language and its interpreters. On considering such representations, the way the teachers deal with their practice and with the other people involved in the teaching-learning process can be understood. This research in Applied Linguistic is based on concepts of French Discourse Analysis and Psychoanalysis. According to a discursive perspective and through interpretation, it focuses on the identification process and the effects of this process on the discourse of the teacher. The corpus was built through audio-recorded interviews and class observation. After transcribing the interviews, it was analyzed linguistically and discursively, considering the identitys heterogeneity, contradictions on discourse, discourse regularities as well as the images presented by the teachers about their practice. Through interpretation gestures, a chain of representations have been achieved, to perceive how teachers develop their teaching deaf and hearing students in the classroom. The signifiers inclusion and exclusion in Inclusive Education (IE) and Deaf Education (DE) historical discourses were problematized. Based on the interviewed teachers discourse, it was found that the IE is seen as an impossible reality. Moreover, those teachers do not see themselves as the idealized teacher who is pictured on political and pedagogical discourses. The IE is also seen as prejudicial to deaf and hearing students. As a conclusion, teachers predominantly take two enunciative positions, ranging from that of inhibition to a creative one. In the first position they are inhibited when they face deaf and hearing students in the same classroom. In the second position, though, they are creative in the same situation. The contradiction on different enunciative positions indicates two discursive formation that is named here inhibi(ac)tion and crea(c)tion.


lingüística teses. língua inglesa estudo e ensino falantes estrangeiros minas gerais teses. língua inglesa análise do discurso teses. psicanálise teses. surdos educação teses. educação inclusiva minas gerais teses. professores formação teses. linguagem brasileira por sinais teses.

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