Reflexões sobre a relação entre a personalidade bordeline e as adicções / Thoughts on the relation between borderline personality and addictions


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




Compulsive behavior, acting out pathologies and feelings of emptiness are increasingly frequent in contemporary psychoanalytical practice. Such symptoms are contaminated or even brought forth by the pressure of strongly rooted ideals of current culture regarding consumerism and its void promises of providing inner fulfillment. The result becomes even more evident in the outbursts of modern-day ways of suffering characterized by the repetition of painful experiences that limit and deplete the lives of these patients. Hence the understanding of clinical diagnosis and treatment of disorders such as addictions and borderline personality syndrome becomes an important academic requirement for mental health professionals. The goal of this research is therefore to reflect on the relation between borderline personality and addictions from a psychoanalytical perspective and thus, through the development of both theoretical and clinical knowledge, contribute to improve diagnosis, which is essential for the handling of such cases. In order to achieve such goals, these concepts have been studied from a hermeneutic approach understood as a dialectic construction of knowledge , with great attention to relations of intersubjectivity between them and conditions of suffering that may be brought together under the classification referred here. Additionally, those ideas have also been illustrated by clinical observations. The notion of addictive relations has proved to be a valuable starting point in the articulation of these studies, since it contains essential elements of the mental dynamics of patients suffering both from addictions and borderline personality syndrome. This study gave rise to the understanding of borderline personality as a modality of addiction in which the object is a person, although most probably objectified


borderline personality disorders borderline states comportamento compulsivo compulsive behavior distúrbio da personalidade borderline estados limítrofes psicanálise psicopatologia psychoanalysis psychopathology

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