Recuperação da amônia liberada no processo de "air stripping" aplicado ao tratamento do lixiviado de aterros sanitários / Recovery of ammonia released from air stripping process applied to sanitary landfill leachate treatment




Sanitary landfill leachate is a pollutant liquid effluent mainly due to its high ammonia concentration. Its treatment is necessary due to environmental and labour legislation requirements, besides prevention of environmental impacts of leachate release in water bodies. This research proposes ammonia removal from leachate by air stripping process, which transfers ammonia from liquid to gaseous phase. In order to prevent atmospheric pollution, air stripping gaseous effluent must be treated with sulphuric acid solution or water. Ammonia neutralization by sulfuric generates ammonium sulfate and by water, aquammonia is generated. Such by-products may be used as fertilizer. In this research, in order to remove leachate ammonia it was used a PVC tower of 2.24 m high and 15 cm diameter, packed with Rashing rings of corrugated polyethylene of 1.5 cm diameter and 5 cm length. Air flows were 1200, 1600 and 3600 L/h and leachete flows were 18 e 30 L/h. Calcium carbonate (standard grade) and commercial hydrated lime were used for pH adjustments. Air and liquid flows were countercurrent. In order to recover ammonia, two flasks of 6 L were used and filled with 4 L of 0.4 mol/L sulfuric acid solution or water. Results showed that ammonia was almost completely removed from leachate. In all operational conditions evaluated, remaining ammonia concentration in leachate was equal or less than 20 mg/L, value established by Resolution 397/08 of Brazilian Council of the Environment. Ammonia recovery with water or a 0.4 mol/L sulfuric acid solution was about 80%.


ammonia removal lixiviado de aterros sanitários aerated packed tower air stripping ammonia recovery remoção de amônia sanitary landfill leachate "air stripping" recolhimento de amônia torre recheada aerada

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