Radial oscillations of quark stars: effect of color superconductivity / Oscilações radiais de estrelas de quarks: efeito da superconditividade de cor


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The study of radial oscillations of compact stars offers valuable information about their structural stability. These oscillations are also important because they can be observed in the microstructure of the emission prole of certain pulsars and because they can excite the non-radial modes which give rise to gravitational waves. In this work we investigate the effect of color superconductivity in adiabatic radial oscillations of stars consisting of quark matter. We calculate the equilibrium congurations integrating the well know Tolman-Oppenheimer-Volkoff equations of relativistic stellar structure and then we integrate the equation of relativistic radial oscillations to determine the oscillation modes. Finally, we analyze the observational implications of these results.


radial oscillations astronomia oscilações radiais estrelas compactas astrofísica estelar astrofisica estelar stellar astrophysics, compact stars astronomy

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