Quase de verdade : quatro fábulas de Clarice Lispector (vida, crianças e bichos)


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




Under the rubric of the biographic criticism, this text intends to establish an intrinsic relationship between author and composition. From the reading of the four Lispectors fables, O mistério do coelho pensante (1967), A mulher que matou os peixes (1968), A vida íntima de Laura (1975) e Quase de verdade (1978), and using a theoretical- critical display that includes Roland Barthes, Eneida Maria de Souza, among others we will try to detect how the biographic-cultural relationship happens in the composition conducted to Clarice Lispectors kids. In this relationship that involves life and composition inscribes the bio that leads to other possible ways to be imagined and established, metaphorically though, broadening the possibilities of literal work comprehension as a composition of culture. Among the possible forms of relationship, we highlight the metaphorical influences or literal friendships, that approximate writers and compositions, even when the relationship hasnt happened in the historical way indeed. This way, it is suitable to highlight that our reading will also analyze the notion of friendship, which is essential for this research, yet the friends also represent as an authorial hint in Lispectors work. Thus, the reading of Clarice Lispectors child fables copes with the aims of this research, in this way, they present as a tale of the writers own life, once her stories of real life serve as supplement for fiction and vice-versa.


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