Qualitative improvements in the modeling of bathymetric survey in reservoirs through computational tool \"CAV-NH\" / Melhorias qualitativas na modelagem de levantamentos batimétricos em reservatórios por meio da ferramenta computacional \"CAV-NH\"


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




Freshwater is a finite mineral resource and essential for sustaining life on earth. For proper water resource management in the watershed, it is important to know the reservoirs Elevation-Area-Volume (EAV) curve. Energy companies and government agencies use this curve for their decision-making, considering the multiple uses of the reservoirs. Due to the reservoir sedimentation process, it is necessary to update this curve frequently, based on the bathymetric surveys. However, a greater space between transects causes failures in the terrain model and also in the EAV curve. This study aims to improve the procedures used for modeling reservoir survey data, introducing the method called Insertion of Mesh Points (IMP), that generates a mesh of points between transects correcting the edge effects caused by TIN interpolation. In order to optimize and reduce work time for obtaining the results, a computational tool CAV-NH, which was developed in Python language, is also presented. It employs the Arcgis 9.3 library to generate the terrain model and obtain the EAV table. For the evaluation and validation of the method, a detailed bathymetry of the Lobo reservoir was carried out, with 10 meter intervals of survey lines, which was compared with different survey lines spacing up to 600 meters. To verify its effectiveness the method was also applied to Bariri and Ibitinga reservoirs. For all 1830 cases analyzed there was a significant accuracy improvement. For the case of 200 meter line spacing and 703 meters elevation, the error of volume obtained was reduced by more than 50%. The analysis showed that the IMP method provides a terrain model more suited, resulting in greater accuracy and allowing the work reduction of reservoir survey without affecting the volume calculation. The CAV-NH was used in all simulations and proved an easy tool to use, providing greater agility in the whole process. It is concluded that the IMP method and the computational tool CAV-NH are important contributions to achieve a quality relationship of elevation-area-volume.


bathymetry batimetria cav-nh cav-nh cota-área-volume elevation-área-volume imp imp reservatório reservoir

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