Proposta de um método para coleta, processamento e análise de dados da qualidade em obras de habitação de interesse social por parte de um agente externo à produção


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The difficulties of understanding concepts related to quality, its implementation, and measurement in the construction industry have been pointed out in several studies, despite the wide dissemination of certified quality management systems, based on ISO9001 and, in the case of Brazil, on the Brazilian Program for Quality and Productivity in the Habitat (PBQP-H). Moreover, the construction sector has been demanded to improve its performance, and produce more compliant, reliable, and durable products, according to the needs of customers, mainly due to the increasing demand for social interest housing projects. Also, companies in this segment need to be prepared to act in a context of large volumes of construction and limited margins of profit, which calls for well adjusted processes and organizations to avoid waste. This research work proposes a method for measuring quality in terms of conformance of the most critical processes in social interest housing projects, including data collection, processing, and analysis, as well as distributing information. The activities that most affect the quality of housing projects were identified based on the literature, on the perception of experts, and on complaints from users. As far as social housing is concerned, the aim of this method is to support the effort of improving quality through the application of check-lists. The data produced by the application of this method results in a set of quality indicators related to the conformance of construction processes. This study was divided into six main stages: (a) literature review; (b) identification of the construction processes with the highest incidence of problems; (c) development of data collection instruments for each individual building process; (d) expert analysis; (e) three cycles of development, evaluation, and improvement of the method; and (f) evaluation of the final proposal of the method. The main contribution of this investigation is the method itself, as well as the identification of opportunities and barriers for its implementation. The study also provided a set of evaluations for a number of construction projects, from the Metropolitan Area of Porto Alegre, Caxias do Sul, and Pelotas. Finally, the information that each agent involved can use was identified.


conformance indústria da construção performance measurement indicadores de desempenho indicators of quality habitacao popular controle de qualidade housing projects of social interest

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