Projeto e implementação de amplificadores distribuidos para recepção de sinais de alta velocidade




This work presents the design and implementation of hybrid distributed amplifiers, intendedfor advanced microwave systems that work with high velocity digital signals. Initially, approximated expressions for the computation of power gain and noise figure of these amplifiers were developed. Such equations allow the investigation of the frequency behavior and gives some insight about the working mechanism of distributed amplifiers in general. To improve the analysis a CAD program, called ANA, was developed which makes a nodal analysis of linear MICS in the frequency domain, including the noise effect. The final design of the two amplifiers investigated (AD710 and AD321), using a unidimensional array of four FETs, were obtained through an optimization program called OTIMO. Two distributed amplifiers were implemented, in hybrid structure, using GaAs MESFETs (AD710) and AlGaAs/GaAs HEMTs (AD321) transistors. Both circuits used alumina substrates to manufacture microstrip lines and NiCr thin film deposited resistors. The scaterring parameters of such circuits were measured, with good agreement with theoretical prediction


circuitos de microondas circuitos integrados de microondas

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