Projeto de um retificador trifásico regenerativo com elevado fator de potência e controle em coordenadas dq0 implementado no DSP TMS320F2812




This work presents the design of a regenerative three-phase switching rectifier with high power factor and control in dq0 coordinates implemented on DSP TMS320F2812 of Texas InstrumentsTM. The controls have used the Clark and Park transformations and the bilinear equation of Tustin, so that the design of the digitals controllers, carried through on the frequency domain, became it significantly simple. The DSP of last generation used allow the programming in a high level language. It can propitiate that the routines be understood, reused and or improved without great efforts. In general way, this will facilitate the sharing of the information for future designs. The main advantages associates are: robust control, excellent regulation of the DC voltage, energy regeneration, low harmonic distortion in the input currents and high power factor.


automacao eletronica de processos eletricos e industriais automação industrial acionamentos elétricos conversor circuito de potência controle automático retificador trifásico

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