Políticas públicas para adolescentes em conflito com a lei : ação educativa e exercício de cidadania?




The present study, of a social and pedagogical nature, has as an object of study the Public Policies towards teenagers in conflict with the law, and the educational and citizenship-related actions of these policies. Its general objective is to identify the dynamics of operationalization of these Public Policies and whether these dynamics turn into educational actions and the building of citizenship, taking into account the agreement of these Public Policies and their respective social programs to the principles of ECA, the operationalization and impacts of the social programs, and how teachers interact with teenagers who present inadequate conduct. The theoretical fundaments of the study are based on: Politicas Publicas e Neoliberalismo, Azevedo (2001) , Boneti (2003, 2005, 2006), Bernardo (2001); Exclusao e Inclusao Social, Boneti (2003, 2005, 2006), Bordieu (2001), Castel (1998, 2006), SOUZA (2003); Formacao de professores e pratica educativa, Freire (1996, 2005); Avaliacao institucional, Carvalho (1999), Eying (2004), Raposo (1999), Silva (2001), among other authors. Documents and statistic data made available by specific organizations and of public domain were consulted: The Federal Constitution, the Child and Adolescent bylaw , The National System of Social and Educational Support. Files of teenagers in temporary commitment at CENSE- Curitiba were analyzed. For field research, specific instruments were created for each category or group of interest to the research , so that it would be possible to proceed to the recorded interviews , which were made with people responsible for one of the parole programs maintained by the Government of the State of Parana in Curitiba; technicians that work with the operationalization of the programs; pedagogues of a state public school in Curitiba in which teenagers under a social/educational restraint measure were enrolled and coming to classes; teenagers under social/educational restraint measure, to capture their opinions and impressions towards the programs and the schooling context. This study aims to contribute with the forecast for creating or improving programs destined to teenagers of underprivileged classes , the improvement of managerial quality, the improvement of the curricula in teacher formation courses and the improvement of the pedagogical processes that take place in public schools. The results of the present study have demonstrated that: Neoliberal Rationalization exerts influence onto the operationalization and the character of public policies, and that a mistaken perception of social inclusion causes public policies to have a compensatory character , thus not solving the array of social problems generated by inequality and social injustice . That quality public education, with an inclusive Pedagogical-Political Project will enable poor students to have a more dignified life and that the quality of education depends on teacher formation. That the solution for the array of problems generated by teenagers in conflict with the law depends on the integration of the various public organisms and the efficacy, efficiency and effectiveness of these organisms depends on the implementation of institutional evaluations. Finally, that the character of the Public Policies towards teenagers in conflict with the law is adequate , but the operationalization doesnt yet reach its goal: education and citizenship.


delinqüência juvenil professores - formação educacao cidadania educação

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