Poder e violência do discurso




This work has as its main objective to understand, in the context of the contemporary ideas about social politics and philosophy, the legislative project called Notices to the civilization of the índios bravos of the empire of Brazil, elaborated by José Bonifácio de Andrada e Silva, when deputy of São Paulos province, directed at the Constituency and Legislative General Assembly of Brazils empire. This document, compounded by 44 articles, was presented to the Assembly in June the first of 1823, in an attempt to fill the emptiness concerning the issue. The project wasnt approved because of the breakup and termination of the General Assembly in November 12th of the same year, ordered by Dom Pedro I. José Bonifácio based his project on the classic philosophy to justify the concept of fair war, degeneration, humanity, perfectibility, and civilization. As a member of the Portuguese government emperor minister or constituent deputy bring in the absolute state speech, justifying the meanings to legitimate the control over the Indian Territory. To fulfill the reflection over this object of study, in its specific historical age, the author decided for the speechs analysis, applied in a flexible way, destitute of rigid formalities, which could take away the brightness of the work but maintaining the necessary emphasis. The new reading of José Bonifácios speech and ideas is, in this way, compounded and based on concepts extracted by the contemporary philosophy, represented by appropriated authors and coherent with this subject: Gilles Deleuze, Pierre Bourdieu, Paul Virilio, Michel Maffesoli and Pierre Clastres. From Gilles Deleuze was applied the concepts of the flat and groove space, war machine, nomad and public politics science and the idea of sedentary, inspired in this actor, as a way of resistance towards the advance of the Portuguese absolute state; from Pierre Bourdieu, notions of power and symbolic violence, dominant speech, arbitrary culture and pedagogic action as a counterbalance by the seizure proposals, Indian settlement and gradual domestication of the Indians; from Paul Virilio, the thoughts about the steal of the territory, laziness and war machine, to understand the exploitation, the shifting towards the Indian settlement, the domestication and the colonization caused by the logistics of the Portuguese state; from Michel Maffesoli and Pierre Clastres, the categories of nomads, mistaken, prophetism, unstable territory and pacific land, to inquire José Bonifácios ideas, based on the facts that the Indians were considered thieves, warriors and vagabonds. The methodology of this speech analysis and the theory epistemological subjects, allowed a new comprehension about the José Bonifácios ideas projected over the Brazilian Indians. Besides the power and symbolic violence, the cultural spirit expressed in his project, a complete science, which belongs to a state organization, could be imposed to the Indians community, by meanings of education, health, production, transport, defense, commerce and the finances, fact compounded in a decomposition of secular cultures led by the exigency of the sedentary dynamics.


silva, josé bonifacio de andrada e, 1763-1838 - apontamentos para a civilizacao dos indios bravos do império do brasil (projeto legislativo) - crítica e interpretação comunicacao índio poder discursos parlamentares estado

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