Pesquisa-ação e práticas educativas do enfermeiro psiquiátrico: incentivo à educação permanente em serviço. / Research-action and psychiatric nursing educative practices: motivation to lifelong learning in service




Introduction: The acceptance of difficulties experienced in services is highly important, looking for solutions for such issues and others. At some point, the educative practices are part of the psychiatric nursing education and must be executed in service concomitantly with routine nursing actions. They contribute to improvements of learning and developing abilities and considerable capacities in order to provide with assistance in nursing at good qualities for customers, families and communities. Therefore, it is important that the nurse has built theory-practical knowledge during the graduation course in order to execute educative practices in services with security and be well-prepared to work in such actions in Psychiatric Units. The critical-reflexive acting used by a nursing teacher has the purpose of building a résumé model containing the educational process connected with the job outside by using new strategies in where the teaching will be done in a contextualised way, aiming preparing a more critical professional and more compromised about the professional and social matters. Thus, in accordance with the theoretic references studied it was observed that the contextualised and dialogued educative practices are not part of the nursing action plans in general. From this perspective is needed to have a professional consciousness about the importance of these developed practices in services in order to be more democratic and humanized with the purpose of assuring the working force improvement in healthy, revealing then the importance of this study. With the purpose of raising the acknowledge of lifelong learning in psychiatric nurses by verifying whether they take part of such activities, identifying their experienced difficulties, seeking their understanding process about the importance of educative practice in service as well as lifelong learning as a organisational strategy of learning and professional upgrades and developing a educative program aiming the orientation about the detected difficulties in this practices. Methodology: Working the qualitative and humanized research, interfering with research-action methodology. This study proposes raising issues and consequently offers educative components. Two techniques were applied to collect data: the interview applying a questionnaire and the attendant observation using their daily service. The sample of our study was based in seven nurses from the Psychiatric Clinical from a School Hospital of a city located in the interior of the country. As part of the criteria were adopted: local nurses, who manifested their agreement in taking part of this study afterwards their free and cleared consent term approved by the Research Ethical Committee and considered the ethical norms and scientific strictness. Data analysis: they were raised through verbal comments from researched people. They were qualitatively analysed and therefore, by categorization allowing the converging and divergent grouping appropriated/or adjusted to the reflexion according to the arguments associated to the issues found. Results: It was deduced that most of the researched nurses attribute considerable importance to the lifelong learning in services seeking for acknowledges, innovation, changes, problems solutions in order to collaborate to the assistance quality of teaching/research as well as personal, professional and institutional improvements. Some of them confirm that they execute a lifelong learning in service, however others relate about not having time neither resources to execute them. They have a real idea of the approached questions revealing to be updated to the lifelong learning. It was also done the educative action with nurses through bulletin news, which were evaluated in a positive way. Therefore, it was concluded that the lifelong learning is taking the first step forward to the Psychiatric Clinical, which contributes to the planning and organization of the nurses, directing to a more humanized assistance to the patient and family.


pesquisa-ação research-action. psiquiatria enfermagem ensino psychiatry nursing lifelong learning educação permanente

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