Perfis motivacionais e engajamento de adolescentes nas tarefas escolares em casa


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




Autonomous motivation has been associated with better academic outcomes such as cognitive engagement in classroom tasks when compared with controlled motivation. The aim of this study was to identify relationships between adolescent students motivational profiles to carry out math homework with the use of learning strategies as cognitive engagement. Besides Self-Determination Theory (SDT) as main framework the study explored current literature about cognitive engagement. Participants were 513 seventh and eighth grades students from public schools in northern Paraná. Data were collected through a 34 items Lykert-type scale. Cluster analysis revealed a four groups model as the best fit for the sample, suggesting that there were four distinct profiles: (a) students with moderate levels of both autonomous motivation and controlled but high levels of amotivation, (b) students with low levels of both autonomous and controlled motivations but high levels of amotivation, (c) students with high scores in autonomous motivation and low levels of both controlled motivation and amotivation, and (d) students with moderate levels of both autonomous and controlled motivation and low in amotivation. Results indicated that students with motivational profile characterized by high scores in autonomous motivation and low in both controlled motivation and amotivation self-reported more cognitive engagement expressed by a higher use of metacognitive strategies, persistence, and time and study environment management. The opposite was found in the profile whose students scored high on amotivation. Results were discussed in light of SDT and educational implications were drawn.


psicologia educacional educação - aprendizagem educação matemática cognição - atividades e exercicios matemática - estudo e ensino motivação na educação educational psychology education learning mathematics education mathematics study and teaching motivation in education

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