Percepção sobre o processo de modernização da auditoria interna no Instituto Nacional de Seguro Social: estudo de caso da auditoria regional do Rio de Janeiro / Perception on the process of modernization of the internal auditing in the Instituto Nacional de Seguro Social: case study of the regional auditing of the Rio de Janeiro




The Internal Audit Restructuring of the Instituto Nacional de Seguridade social (National Institute of Social Security) INSS had as its main demarkation point the changing focus on the work developed by that department. Before the modernization process the Internal Audit was only an instrument for detecting frauds to punish to the people involved on them. With the reengineering implemented, as from the year 2000, the work focus was redirected to the improvements on the control, manage and errors and frauds prevention modules. This study objective was to analyze the Rio de Janeiro Regional INSS Internal Audits employees perception about this modernization process. It analyzed the human behaviour in relation to the resistances to the new work methodology. It searched to also analyze several reputed authors bibliographies with the objective of validating the field research performed with semi-structured direct interviews. The interviewers were civil service employees who worked as internal auditors in the Rio de Janeiro Reginonal Auditing. This study raised important questions about the internal audit modernization process, specially the ones related to the employees trainning, cultural resistance to the changes and control of fraud preventions. In the interviews made were also detected success factors like the people interest on the restructuring. It disclosed that audit reports are put in practice and physical structure was successfully altered. Some unsuccessfull factors were also disclosed like; legal restrictions obstructing the work effectivenesss, sending of large amount of information by eletronical means which are only partially absorbed not allowing the interpretation of all changes manly due to the lack of training and the low technical level on accounting areas. Most of the Rio de Janeiro Internal Audit team will be retired in a short term. Nowdays it does not exist an investment planning process to improve the personnel skills. It does not exist a differential career plan for the internal auditors. The current number of auditors is closely to the ideal; however their technical skills are below the ones expected in relation to the auditing activities development aiming an improvement on control techniques and mainly to the management of public resources. As from these findings it has been evidenced the great importance on the betterment of the Rio de Janeiro Internal Audit human resources.


previdência reestruturação auditing. restructuring. human behaviour. social security. ciencias contabeis comportamento humano auditoria

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