Pectinases produced by the biological agent G088: extraction and purification / Pectinases produzidas pelo agente biolÃgico G088: extraÃÃo e purificaÃÃo




The pectinases are responsible for the degradation of a complex molecule of pectina which are present in every young vegetable organ. The production of pectinases in microorganisms is influenced by the culture time and the appropriate choice of ancestry. Considering the current high use of enzymes from microorganisms nowadays, different procedures for isolating e purifying have been studied. This paper aimed at defining the ideal culture time of a biological agent for a better development and enzymatic production, and it also aimed at an efficient way of partly purifying the pectinases produced. For that purpose, it was used rice as the carbon source and energy, which are necessary to the microbiological growth as the production of pectinase. The activity of pectinametilesterase and poligalacturonase was evaluated after a period of 10, 15 and 20 days of inoculation from the biological agent in the substratum, as well as in each part of the enzymatic purification process, according to Jen and Robinsonâs (1984) methodology and Pressey and Avants (1973). The extraction of the enzymatic complex was got by homogenization in solutions drain plug with different ph (4, 5 and 6), followed by centrifugation and precipitation with ammonium sulphate in different concentrations (20, 40 and 60%). According to the results, we can estimate that in order to have a great activity of the studied enzymes, the biological agent must rest in substratum for 10 days, showing an activity average of 105,52 poligalacturonase for and 1480 (U/g min.) for pectinametilesterase. The results also showed that the benzoate drain plug pH 4,0 was in better condition for the extraction of both studied enzymes. The present enzyme in the rude extract was precipitated through a saturation with ammonium sulphate at 60%, with a final result at 108,74 for PME and 10,55% for PG and with a purifying rate at 14,24 and 1,39, respectively. So, we came to conclude that up to 10 days of culture of the biological agent, it got a rising enzymatic production, after this period it started to decline in growing biological agent, as well as in its enzymatic activity. The partial purification obtained was significant, because comparing the results with other processes we could see the results in the observed average.


poligalacturonase poligalacturonase. pectinametilesterase ciÃncias biolÃgicas pectinametilesterase

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