Pb x laserterapia : mecanismos envolvidos na cicatrização de lesões cutâneas / PB x phototherapy : wound healing mechanisms of cutaneous lesions


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




Our group has been exploring the biological mechanisms underlying the inflammatory process of paracoccidioidomycotic lesions treated by HeNe laser on cutaneous lesions caused by the inoculation of yeast cells into the back foot-pad of Balb/c mice. In this work we showed that laser-treated mice presented reduction of footpad edema, greater histologic organization, milder inflammatory infiltrate, higher organization of the granulation tissue around the lesion, and enhanced immunolabeling of iNOS. The immunolabeling of elastase showed no significant alterations. In addition the SOD activity and NO production were increased. Chemokines CCL3 and CXCL10 showed decreased levels in animals treated with 3 laser sessions, but no significant difference was observed in realtion to CCL5 expression. Also, a higher percentage of macrophages, in detriment of lower neutrophil numbers, were observed throughout the treatment. The percentage of NK and NKT cells were slightly higher after the first laser session. At the popliteal lymph node after one laser session the percentage of macrophages and neutrophils population were increased, after three laser sessions those percentages were similar with the non-treated group, however the mature dendritic cell population percentage was higher on the treated animals. CD4+ T Lymphocytes percentage was higher in animals treated with two laser sessions while CD8+ percentage was lower. Altogether these results point towards a dual effect of the treatment, decreasing the inflammatory response and accelerating the healing of the lesions. We believe that HeNe laser is a new non-harmful strategy that may be used as an adjuvant tool to be combined with anti-fungal agents for improving the treatment of PCM lesions.


laserterapia de baixa potência lasers - uso terapêutico laser hene paracoccidioidomicose paracoccidioides cicatrização low-level laser therapy lasers hene laser paracoccidioidomycosis paracoccidioides brasiliensis

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