Palavra e cidadania em histórias de vida e textos argumentativos de alunos do ensino fundamental




This work development has been lead, through reflections that associate citizenship term meaning plurality to PCN transversality, regarding to Ethics and citizenship, to language viewpoint, in Bakhtins thought, as interaction and, even, the place where the social, rapports constitute themselves, departing from the particular view that citizenship must be dealt with as theorical-pratical exercise and is built, constructed in political, economical and educational decisions scenery. This Research departs from the hypothesis which according to that language permeates, comes throughout citizenship formation all activities and reflects itself in the pupils, students discourse and, still it this Research searches finding out whether the schools enable citizenship development, through their discourses, materialized in their PPPs Political-Pedagogical Project. In order to demonstrate, show up that language dialogical character is a decisive, determinating factor in subjects constitution and that citizenship living experiences are represented, portrayed through verbal interaction with the other one, the alter, and with the world itself, this Research was accomplished in three (3) Salgueiros-PE teaching net urban schools, being two (2) of them Public Schools States (provinces) and municipalitys ones and one (1) of them ruled by private schools net. One may justify the choice regarding to these schools, aiming at having, forming a deeper perception about Basic, Fundamental Teaching concluding students, pupils different viewpoints, considering these pupils, students social and economical diversities and every school management, administration politics. The Sample consists of twelve (12) subjects, from both the sexes, chosen by teachers on Portuguese Language and selected schools managers, administrators, among the students, pupils registered in the eighth (8) series. In order to attain these aims, one takes, as a methodological principle, the qualitative analysis, since it the above-mentioned kind of analysis-allows, permits the investigation in levels that comprehend language and citizenship context, in the pupils, students discourses, represented, portrayed in their interviews, in their narrative and argumentative texts. The corpus is analyzed in three categories. One of them, placed in the interview text, allowed, permitted perceiving the citizenship meanings, built, constructed in the pupils, students discourse. The other two ones have led, respectively, to the written productions analysis, upheld in dialogism and polyphony bakhtinian, concepts this analyses showed up that language is a social interaction activity, permeates all social participation and citizenship construction activities and is reflected in subject-pupil textual production.


linguistica youth - language jovens - linguagem discourse analysis dissertações children - language análise do discurso cidadania crianças - linguagem citizenship dissertation

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