Otimização topológica e paramétrica de vigas de concreto armado utilizando algoritmos genéticos. / Topology and shape optimization of concrete beams by genetic algorithms


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




This work presents a study and application using Genetic Algorithms (GAs) to solve problems that optimization structures, more specifically concrete beans. The GAs are search algorithms, non-deterministics that works with a population of solutions. Its inspired on the evolutions theory of the species to solve problems. In this dissertation sought to show the most used techniques and parameters about this subject. The primary objective was (through the knowledge obtained during this research) to apply it in the topological and parametrical optimization of concrete beams, submitted by a distributed load. Lateral and behavioral constraineds are used. It was tried to work with a discrete variables, which represent more really the context of structures designer. To apply this technique a program was implemented, using the Java language through the oriented object paradigm. The program was tested applying a optimization problem approached by other authors. One of them used a deterministic approach to solution the problem. Another used a probabilistic approach, but with continuous variable. In 85% of the cases the program (called AGEN) get success. It was concluded that genetic algorithms are a very robust technique, which provides significant results, especially in complex problems with discrete variables and constraints on dynamic changes. The weaknesses of this technique are the high dependence on initial population, its computational cost and the parameters calibration. It was, in this work, presenting to scientists and designers in the structural engineering field another tool that uses computational techniques to find better solutions for structures optimization. It pretended to stimulate the development of more research on this topic enough promising.


algoritmos genéticos beams (optimization) genetic algorithms vigas (otimização)

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