Os judeus helenistas e a primeira expansão cristã : questões de narrativa, visibilidade historica e etnicidade no livro dos Atos dos Apostolos




The purpose of the present research work is to build a plausible historical setting for the early spread of the Christian movement in the 30s of the 1st century CE, after Jesus? death, by way of an analysis of textual and archaeological evidence related to it. According to Acts 6:1 - 8:40 and, possibly, also Acts 11:19-26 (with regard to the establishment of the Antioch community), the spread in question was the result of missionary activity of Jewish Christians, named Hellenists, in a way from Jerusalem northward into Samaria and, outside Palestine, reaching the Cyprus island and the Roman province of Syria. According to Acts, the first conversions of Gentiles to the faith in Jesus Christ occurred precisely during that missionary activity. The present dissertation analyzes the traditional interpretive framework that guides most studies in early Christianity and discusses both the theological purpose and the question of historical visibility in the book of Acts. New Cultural History premises are followed in the analysis of textual sources and the concept of ethnicity is employed with the goal of understanding the relational aspect of Christian identities in the early years of the Jesus movement. The study moves chronologically backwards from the passage related to the foundation of the church in Antioch until it reaches the account of the appointment of the seven Hellenists in the Jerusalem community. This approach allowed the present research work to reach new conclusions ? compared to those of the dominant trend in scholarship ? on the early spread of the Christian movement from a Palestinian Jewish setting to the Hellenistic culture dominated world of the Roman East


rome cristianismo judaism identity history temple of jerusalem historia history judaismo christianity templo de jerusalem identidade

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