O uso da máscara laríngea pelo enfermeiro na ressuscitação cardiopulmonar: revisão integrativa da literatura / Nurses use of the laryngeal mask in cardiopulmonary resuscitation: an integrative literature review.




Heart arrest (HA) is a situation that demands immediate action from health professionals. In most hospitals and health units, the nursing team is the first to arrive in cases of HA, and should be competent to start cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) maneuvers. In CPR procedures, endotracheal intubation is the gold standard for the airways, but not all health professionals are apt to perform this procedure. The laryngeal mask is a device that permits forming a seal around the larynx, offering a satisfactory alternative for airway management. The theoretical-methodological reference framework of Evidence-Based Practice was used, which recommends that research results be applied in nurses professional practice. This study aimed to identify available evidence in literature about airway management by nurses through the insertion of the laryngeal mask, during CPR, in adult patients. The integrative literature review method was adopted, which aims to join and synthesize knowledge on the proposed theme. The following databases were accessed: LILACS, PUBMED, CINAHL and COCHRANE, using the controlled descriptors laryngeal masks AND cardiopulmonary resuscitation AND nursing. After exhaustive reading of the articles, 18 references were selected. The results evidenced that 66.5% of the studies came from the United Kingdom; the journal with the largest number of publications was Resuscitation (five); 50% of the studies was performed by physicians only, 28% by nurses only and 11% by both, in cooperation. As to research design, six studies (33.5%) had a quasiexperimental design and 12 (66.5%) a non-experimental design, with three survey/descriptive/exploratory studies (25%), one prospective study (8.5%) and eight experience reports/expert opinions (66.5%). Studies were grouped at three moments in time (before the publication of the 2000 CPR guidelines, between the 2000 and 2005 guidelines and after the 2005 guidelines). The strong impact of the studies published in the 1990s was evidenced in the 2005 guidelines, which constituted the base and were cited in that document (studies 1, 2, 3, 5, 7 and 9). It is concluded that the laryngeal mask is fundamentally important for airway management in critical situations, requires training for its use and showed its efficiency when tested on manikins, reaching success levels of nearly 100% for insertion and ventilations. The device is easy to manage and insert, minimizes the risk of gastric distension, regurgitation and aspiration of the bag-valve-mask unit. The lack of studies about the theme with an experimental design evidences the need for scientific research involving laryngeal mask, cardiopulmonary resuscitation and nursing, with a view to supporting clinical nursing practice and nurses decision making about patient care delivery. Nurses participated in the studies and could identify, understand and signal relevant aspects of the cognitive and technical attributes and other skills to perform this intervention, with a view to nursing care delivery with quality and theoretical-scientific support in emergency situations.


enfermagem nursing cardiopulmonary resuscitation laryngeal mask máscara laríngea ressuscitação cardiopulmonar

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