O texto dissertativo: desempenho argumentativo e intertextualidade




We gave four questions about the meaning of discourse and argumentation in four schools that will be identifying occur this work (two are public schools and other two are private schools). Our objective was to discover the problems that exists in teaching of composition about discourse and argumentation in high school and, so, to propose a better method for this. We studied the books used in that schools: Língua, Literatura &Redação, by José de Nicola (in both of public schools) and Lições de Textos: Leitura e Redação, by Platão and Fiorin (in both of private schools) for to clarify some causes of the defict about this learning. This work shows at first, the theoretical justifying about essencial meanings for a good comprehension and for the comments and analyzes about the content of that books concerning discourse and its teachings propostes do not be uncertain. In this context, we approach the importance of intertextuality occur the process of learning too. The intertextuality always be present in the creation of texts and it is a phenomenon comprehend or not for producer occur the process of production of a text. The subject, even though do not resort to explicit quotations, it is a dialogue between many texts that exists, as long as communicating is rapt in a culture. As for reading, the intertextuality always depends on readers knowledge about the reached theme and this theme with a textual kind that was used like a interactive, expressive and communicative way. In short, after theoretical justifying and showing of the problems about the teaching, sequent of analyze about texts that was removed from the books that we saying before, we propose strategies for a better teaching of composition in high school without fixing in rules used in general, neither in utopian propostes


intertextualidade língua portuguesa - composição e exercícios lingua portuguesa texto dissertativo argumentação ensino médio

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