O terceiro setor : sistematização normativa a partir da sociedade civil


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




Inserted in the research line of the Universidade Estadual de Londrina, due to the Negotiable Law Master s Degree Program adjustments, which are peculiar between the private institution and the judicial entities of Public Law, the current work deals with the occurrence of the Third Sector its legal aspects and mainly the proximity with Civil Society. From the 20th century decade of the 90"s the civil society amplified and the number of entities and associations grew and became recognized under the name of Non-Governmental Organizations (NGO s) or under the name cof Third Sector. Due to the high flourishing and actions of those entities, the pluralist state, the Associations State, Organizations State, with reflexes of the relationship between the State and the entities of the third sector, affecting the traditional public and private dichotomy, tried not to find a rigid separation but to find criteria of coexistence. At the end of the decade of the 90 s the Country tries through two important laws 9790/99 and 9638/98 respectively, the OSCIPS and the O.S., to implement a legal landmark for the Third Sector , once again the legislation had serious flaws and lack of rigid control on the payments. Treating this so delicate topic, we try to bring other legislations which rule the entities and and point out on every one of the kinds of peculiarities. We also look for a negotiable character of the partners among the Third Sector and the public power, through contracts, agreements, all thoroughly studied in the current work.


terceiro setor - legislação sociedade civil organizações não-governamentais associações sem fins lucrativos direito privado civil society non-governamental organizations nonprofit organizations private law third sector law and legislation

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