O silêncio da escola pública : um estudo sobre os programas de atendimento aos alunos com indicadores de superdotação no estado de Mato Grosso do Sul




The objective of this work is to examine the discourse of the programs attending genius students in the Brazilian state of Mato Grosso do Sul, during the period from 1979 to 2001. It deals with the discourse produced in the state by organs responsible for proposing Special Education policies. These documents/projets were elaborated by the State Secretariat for Education through its Directorate for Special Education [Project/1990 and Project/1998] and through the Coordination for Specific Projects. With this objective, an investigative study was done, initially, searching for specialized literature as to the possibility of comprehending the aspects related to genius. In Chapter I we propose to investigate the historical constitution of Education of geniuses. This analysis evidenced that humankind historically sought to understand individuals who manifested a production superior in a given area of knowledge. The second chapter attempted to treat the concepts of Genius and Intelligence, attempting to [re]view the different theoretical positions of the concepts of Intelligence, those that permitted entry in contact with the complexity of the theme. Psychometric Theory, Piagetian theory, the Theory of Multiple Intelligences, the Historico-Cultural Theory were approached with the aim of finding some responses to the comprehension of Intelligence. In the fourth and fifth chapters a dialogue was established between theory and empiria, by means of guidelines offered by the Superior instance. The concepts of the Genius and Intelligence, contained in the State programs, express the conception of Special Education based on a medical model of education. The procedures used constitute in their majority, extracurricular proposals or destined to have the communitys resources.


intelligence educacao superdotação special education inteligência educação especial genius

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