O selênio e a glândula tireóide: um estudo em pacientes portadores de disfunções  tireoidianas nos estados de Ceará e São Paulo / The selenium and thyroid gland: a study in patients with thyroid dysfunction in the states of Ceara and São Paulo


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




Introduction: The Selenium is a mineral essential to human, part of antioxidant mechanisms, influences the immune system and participates actively in homeostasis of the thyroid gland. Objective: To evaluate the nutritional status of selenium on adult patients bearers of hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism in ambulatory care at the Hospital of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Sao Paulo and the University Hospital Walter Cantídio Federal University of Ceara. Methodology: We evaluated four groups of patients with Graves\ disease (Graves), multinodular toxic goiter (BMNT), hypothyroidism after thyroidectomy (hypothyroidism) and Hashimoto\ s thyroiditis (Hashimoto) in two states, Sao Paulo and Ceara and in two groups control (Sao Paulo and Ceara). We performed anthropometric and clinicai characterization. Selenium were analyzed in plasma and red blood cells, was measured the activity of GSH-Px, urinary iodine, MDA and plasma levels of thyroid hormones and anti-TPO. The food consumption was estimated using the technique to recall 24 hours. Results: There was a preponderance of females in all groups (70-90%); the patients and controls were overweight. The TSH was increased in the Hashimoto group of Ceará (116 ± 63.68 µU / ml) and Anti-TPO in the Graves group of Sao Paulo (1277.71 ± 1077.99 U / ml). The highest concentration of plasmatic selenium was found in BMNTgroup of Sao Paulo (154.09 µ / L) and the red cells in the BMNTgroup of Ceará (147.68 µ / L). The individuaLs from Ceara had higher dietary intake of iodine. Conclusions: Our study showed that patients from Ceara had better nutritional status on selenium that patients in Sao Paulo. Groups of Sao Paulo showed mild disabilities in relation to selenium. The increased consumption of selenium (Ceara) appears to reduce the concentrations of anti-TPO and thus could be a positive factor in reducing the severity of autoimmune diseases of the thyroid gland.


avaliação nutricional bioquímica de alimentos estado nutricional food biochemistry glândula tireóide iodine (evaluation) iodo (avaliação) nutritional evaluation nutritional status selênio (avaliação) selenium (evaluation) thyroid gland tireóide

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