O que é leitura?: uma investigação interdisciplinar




This work, inserted in the area of Applied Linguistics, had for objective the understanding of a phenomenon: the implementation of a project of reading in the interdisciplinary perspective involving the manager-researcher, teachers and students of Elementary Education. This phenomenon was experienced by the researcher, by teachers who gave classes of Portuguese, Reading[1], English, Mathematics, History, Science, Geography, Physical Education and Arts, totalizing fourteen teachers, and for 35 students also registered in the sixth series (in the year of 2006), seventh series (in the year of 2007) and eighth series (in the year of 2008) of Elementary Education of a public school of the São Paulo State. The theoretical recital is based on the questions: (a) Reading, where concepts are discussed specially in works such as, Barthes (1984), Cavallo and Chartier (1998), Martins (2003), Freire (1999, 2003, 2005, 2006), Silva (2002); (b) Elaboration of the process teach-learning panorama, and I have based my work mainly in the studies of: Piaget (1973), Smolka (1996), Roger (1977), Vygotsky (1934,1931), among others; (c) Research and interdisciplinarity at school: Fazenda (2003, 2005, 2006), Lenoir (2005), Klein (2005); (d) The methodology followed the orientation hermeneutics-phenomenological supported in: Ricoeur (2006). The beginning of this research is dated of February, 2005 and has been continued until the month of July, 2008. The texts, indicated that the school needed to have a library, which in a short period of time, would be able to assist the teachers work regarding to the reading incentive. Then, the manager-researcher, believing in the importance of enlarging and spread actions of support to build up the readers, has realized a small reform in the physical structure of the school building in order to adjust it to its demands - and a school library was organized. The participants have organized and digitalized the data of the collection for the beginning of the new library. The loans had passed of an average of three a week - to five hundred workmanships a month. The Jornal da Tarde paper, edition of May 12, 2007, with the writing of Maria Rehder, published in the page 12-A the following: From the old boxes to the students hands (attachment I), regarding to this subject. After the library complete organization, the teachers who were giving classes of Portuguese, Reading, English, Mathematics, History, Science, Geography, Physical Education and Arts; and the manager-researcher have elaborated and put into practice a interdisciplinary reading project. The experiences during the interdisciplinary project was described and have been interpreted according to the enlargement of the reading concept, once conceived only as decoding of the written materiality, and its participants practices, who have started to develop interdisciplinary activities and several possibilities of readings that had exceeded the classrooms, the library and have even passed through the walls of the school in an extension for a world reading. As a result, we have interpreted that the absence of a school library is not a factor that disables the practice of reading, but something that is able to be an element that stimulates creative solutions. Another significant revelation has risen from this work, the teachers commitment, in a planned and joined way, as partners, and most of all with large dialogues, they have become managers of reading in their classes. These research results are of a very special meaning for me and it fills me of optimism, and have revealed to me, beyond everything, that it is possible that fidgets and desires of managers, teachers and students, with responsibilities for each one of them, can establish movements to promote the dissemination and incentive of reading. And still, it does not matter the textual kind, the materiality where the text is based on, or the curricular discipline being taught, the most important is that the schools must open the doors to promote and to stimulate reading. To surpass the speech of that the students do not read it is necessary a joint act of the professionals of the educational area so that they can become managers of the reading in their own communities of performance. For this reason, I invite the reader to know our experience


processo ensino-aprendizagem reading teaching-learning process orientação hermenêutico-fenomenológica ensino interdisciplinaridade em educacao hermeneutics-phenomenological orientation aprendizagem linguagem e linguas -- estudo e ensino leitura interdisciplinarity linguistica aplicada fenomenologia hermeneutica

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