O procedimento na reprodução assistida: o arrependimento na inseminação heteróloga




It is this study about procedure of assisted reproduction, specifically about the possibility of repentance by the husband and the wife or partner, with respect to membership in the form of heterologous artificial insemination. The theme in a way back to the origins of humanity, for since the beginning sterility and reproduction belong to the dilemmas of society that tries to perpetuate in time and space. Repentance may exist in any legal act in the broad sense, in this case for different reasons must somehow be denied, given the existence of a new life. Thus, the work divided into five chapters, far from exhausting the subject, due to lack of legislation and inconsistency of existing laws because they are not the same specific matter and new case, try to define the natural process of life, the genetic revolution, the modes of assisted reproduction, as is the procedure for the subjective. And last, it is treated the possibility of repentance in heterologous artificial insemination. In a nutshell, has been discussion about the viability of the husband or partner of the wife or partner, respectively, with the same under the scrutiny of the procedure of artificial insemination heterologous express his regret about the event will once extermalized and has already produced a new life


direito e biologia arrependimento inseminacao artificial heterologa repentance biodireito paternidade -- brasil biolaw direito civil direito de familia -- brasil

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