O portal de periódicos da Capes : estudo sobre a sua evolução e utilização




This paper intends to describe and analyze the Programa de Apoio à Aquisição de Periódicos (PAAP) of Capes during the period from 2001 to 2005. The program is part of the Portal de Periódicos and has as objectives: (a) to support high education institutions with stricto sensu post-graduation programs in maintaining their scholarly journal collections, guarantee academic communities access to technological and scientific production; and (b) to make access to information democratic, contributing to diminish regional inequalities, in order to integrate the Brazilian scholarly community in the universal scientific production scenario. The specific objectives of the research were: to relate and describe experiences adopted by other countries regarding access to electronic technological and scientific information in various subject areas; to describe the current Brazilian program for electronic access to technological and scientific information in a variety of subject areas; to analyze and interpret the programmatic and functional performance of the Portal de Periódicos da Capes during the period from 2001 to 2005; and to express and analyze the evolution of the scientific Brazilian production relating to other countries. A bibliographical and documental research was used as a basis to this dissertation. The researched sources were books, scientific articles, documents and reports produced by government bodies, scientific associations and international agencies. The data usage of the Portal were gathered from the publishers/providers of the resources present in the Portal and the Brazilian post-graduation data were gathered from the Diretoria de Avaliação da Capes. This research concludes tha t the Portal de Periódicos da Capes has been constituted as an important mechanism for making access to scientific information in Brazil democratic, considering the increasing number of users and accesses (researches/year); it presents a performance that can be considered efficient, taking into account the management mechanisms adopted, the quality and the composition of its collection, the systematic decreasing of its costs, the statistics controlling system that it possesses and its functioning operating structure; and it has completely fulfilled its purpose, which can be confirmed by the usage statistics.


desenvolvimento sustentável outros portal de periódicos da capes technological and scientific information portais da web brazil brasil. coordenação do aperfeiçoamento de pessoal de nível superior scientific production

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