O papel da interação entre a instrução implícita e explícita na produção textual de contos de assombração. / The role of the interaction between the implicit and explicit instructions on the developmet of the textual genre tales of terror.




This research investigated the role of the interaction between the implicit and explicit instructions and of the knowledge of the textual genre tales of terror on the development of its written production. We understand the learning through the implicit instruction when it is conducted without emphasizing its characteristics. On the other hand, the learning through the interaction between the implicit and explicit instructions happens when the characteristics of the textual genre in study is emphasized and analyzed. In order to carry out our study, we have chosen subjects from two groups of ninth grade of an elementary school in Maceió. Once we have decided to study the role of the interaction between the implicit and explicit instructions, the role of memory is important. Hence, we proposed the study of the declarative memory, having in mind that the implicit instruction itself does not guarantee the development of the aspects that need to be improved. In our point of view, the interaction between the implicit and explicit instructions é fundamental in this case. We based our theory on the connectionist approach that says learning happens through the experience someone has. According to it, we propose the learning of the textual genre tales of terror in two distinct environments of instruction. Our main hypothesis is that the learning through the interaction between the implicit and explicit instructions is more helpful than the learning through the implicit instruction. We hope our study may help in the studies about cognitive processes involved in the textual production.


linguistica produção textual tales of terror gêneros textuais instrução implícita e explícita conto de assombração textual production implicit and explicit instructions textual genres

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