O ensino de língua estrangeira para deficiente visual em sala de aula regular do ensino fundamental




The present work had as aim to investigate the reality of current foreign language teaching for impaired vision students in regular classroom. It searched to recognized which difficulties need to be outstrip to set up methods and structures that benefit the full development of students, reaching at this way, a high quality teaching. The results are based on interviews with semi-structured questions and on wide bibliographic material looked up. Among the results we stand out: elaboration of a politic-pedagogic propose from teaching entities; lack of teachers actualization and specialization according to National Curricular Parameters and the Special Education; adequate didactic material and pedagogic supported material; preparation of classes according to the necessities of blinds. The study concludes that the teaching for impaired vision students, preferentially in regular classrooms, constitutes in a modality that comes into developing, especially in the last decade, being necessary joint efforts to teachers, civil society and government in order to construct a teaching system that correspond to the actual necessities of impaired vision students.


política eeducacional. foreign language educacao deficiente visual teaching-learning impaired vision ensino-aprendizagem língua estrangeira educational policy

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